It was a wonderful two week summer vacation away. People ask what do you do in Montana. Well, you can do as little or as much as you like. The days are very long. Allowing you to pack in a full day of activities. We spent our time in the town of Condon. A little town nuzzled in the beautiful Swan Valley. The Surrenas have their family home along the Swan River. A house so packed with love it oozes out between the logs that hold the cabin together. This year we had the pleasure of showing it off to our friends Cristen and Nathan. They fell in love with Montana. We also spent three days in Glacier National Park. Staying at two old lodges. Day One Lake MacDonald Lodge. A modest lodge. We were not lake side but we did catch a great sunset on the shore of the lake. We took a small hike this day near the lodge. The Johns Lake Hike. How many shades of green are there? The forest floor was spongy and soft. Moss grew in many nooks and crannies of fallen trees and big rocks. The forest lead us to the river. Now, how many shades of blue are there? The water rushed by us as we stared in awe of its beauty. This was an easy hike but just what we wanted. Day Two. We hiked the 11.5 miles from Logan Pass down to our car. This hike is called the HighLine Loop. Wow! The flowers, the clouds, the mountains, oh my. Around each corner the scenery changed. Allowing for many picture taking opportunities. We sang and clapped our hands to keep away the bears. We never saw a bear BUT we did see the meanest, scariest, don't mess with the best. Yes that's right folks, a wolverine!! And, not to brag but, Chris got it on video.. From there we stayed at the beautiful Many Glacier Lodge. Lake side this time and only for $150.00. Before heading back to Condon we took one more hike along an easy trail to a waterfall. Glacier was an amazing part of our trip. A place that allows you to really think about what is truly important. Allowing the nasty stress to come and go. Leave it behind and move on. You feel so small and almost, invisible among such age and wisdom. A place that has survived for years. Really puts life in perspective.
Before saying goodbye to Montana Cristen and I had booked ourselves a little pampering at Mountain Bliss Spa in Bigfork. We took an hour 45 minute yoga class. (the best we ever had) and we each had a spa service. This is the way to ease back into reality.