My feet were planted firmly on the ground... Then I felt like a little girl who slid down the moon. I laughed with joy as it tickled my back. wow what a nice couple of weeks we have had. September 9th brought a big surprise party for Greg he is 30 now. That party was good fun. There was even a band. Of course I brought the hoops out to play. Always a hit! The next day not to let our livers dry out we went to another surprise birthday bash. This time my Pops, it was his 60th birthday. We had the party at Monahans. So many friendly faces wondered in and then, stumbled out. He was full of birthday spirit.
September 11th follows. I reflected on my own hero. When he kisses me goodbye in the morning, I try to never think of the worst. I try to remember he is out to protect and to help. I still can't help but feel sad when I think of all our fallen hero's. Is is bravery? Is it just their duty? I don't know. What I have learned from being married to a firefighter for almost 7 years, is that it takes a unique strong beautiful human to do this work. The saying, " he'd give you the shirt off his own back" explains my husband. If his duty calls him to run and save you, your family. Rich or poor. He will. and he will hold your hand while you may be scared but, you will never hear his heart pounding. Just see his sweet soul in his eyes as he looks back at you and promises peace and safety. Okay, what better way to celebrate such men and women??? Watch a fly over at the Oakland Raider game. A new year for the raiders but, same old sacs...
I returned to playing tennis on the 15th yeah nice, a great workout. The 16th was my beautiful cousin Anne's wedding. She looked so calm and full of love. Later that day we went to the Elton John concert. I don't know if it is the words I heard at the wedding but, all day I saw beautiful things all around me. Flowers, Family, smiling faces.
And as Elton says it, there was a time when I was everything and nothing all in one. When you found me, I was feeling like a cloud across the sun. But, I need to tell you how you light up every second of the day. but in the moon light you just shine like a beckon on the bay. I can't explain, it's just something about the way you looked tonight. It takes my breath away. It's this feeling I get about you deep inside. I can't describe but, it's something about the way you looked tonight. It takes my breath away, the way you looked tonight. With every smile you pull the deepest secrets from my heart. and all the honesty and I'm speechless and I don't know where to start. and I can't explain but, its something about the way you looked tonight. it takes my breath away....