Once upon a time in a friendly neighborhood lived a cat. She was not just any cat she was the Queen of the Pickup house hold. You may call her Lexus. Lexus had long days of sunbathing and grooming. She stretched out and worked on her yoga. She ate when she wanted, she requested a heater when she felt chilled. She was the Queen and we were her love servants.
Each morning she got new dishes with fresh water and a healthy meal. As much love as we had for our Queen she only gave us love when it suited her. When we returned from our days out, the Queen would come to meet us. She ran with joy knowing she had our attention again. She rolled on her back and said many wonderful welcome meows. Ahh, our Queen loves us.
With all the love we had for our leader we knew we still had more love to give. We knew it was time for a dog in our house. Maybe someone to help keep the Queen warm on chilly days. We spoke to her about this idea of a new friend a Princess for her. We said to her, Queen Lexus in order to eat the gourmet cat food we must cut back on the heat. We must only run the heater on truly cold days. She could care less of this ridiculous idea of another animal to keep her warm. "I want more afghans, and sunshine, and don't forget to turn on the heater before you leave." She said as she walked slowly away. One foot in front of the other like a model on the cat walk.
We were angry with her insensitivity to OUR needs to travel and buy designer jeans and eat out. How could she not understand. These heater bills, and fancy cat food. Huh we'll show her.
So on October 21, 2006 we traveled by coach to the land of ARF. We were greeted with STARBUCKS coffee and popcorn. "Sit down" said the towns mayor "and we will be right with you". Adopting a Princess was no easy task. After our passports and documents we approved we carried on to meet the Princess Seaspray. Seaspray We said to each-other. Our Queen Lexus would never stand to call a Princess Seaspray. Oh know!!! The STARBUCKS hits our stomach we are nervous, and scared. We look for an exit to run. Run away .Then the brilliant idea. Of course, why did we not think of that. We laughed and whispered. We will change her name.
We agreed to take Princess Seaspray. We promised a good home where she had heat, and sun and gourmet dog food. Two love servants at her beck and call. We left the land of ARF. We knew the roads home. We were proud of this mission we sat tall in our coach seats. We had big smiles and high hopes. Entering the Palace door awaits the Queen. Without hesitation we introduced Queen Lexus to the new house mate. Queen Lexus meet Princess Chloe.
And we all lived happily ever after.