Sometimes the kindness of strangers can really surprise you. We are in Los Llanos in a tiny town called Apurito. It would be night soon and we had no place to sleep. No hotels no campgrounds. Doris and I simple suggested we ask a nice family if we can stay one night on their land. We asked this guy he said yes! This is Gelner a proud friendly family man. American Love songs were blaring from his truck radio. His friends and family all around. Dogs, roosters, chickens and his kids ran around as the sun was setting.

Here are his kids

I think he must be proud of all he has accomplished in his 33 years of life. His ranch at first glance is modest and well kept. The second look shows a happy working ranch with many first grade cattle, a small lake, birds everywhere. Fruit trees, fresh herbs and so much love.

Sunset across his lake

they brought the music the chairs we brought out the rum.