Chris in the kitchen glazing the Christmas ham.

We hosted Christmas dinner in our home. My dad, my mom, Chris and I, our friends Scott and Stacie, my Aunt Pat My other dad and mom my sister's boyfriend Joseph and his sister anna, stephanie and my other mom. Sat down to a wonderful Christmas Ham.

This is really what I wanted. Thanks Mom

Thanks to Melanie my Dad Ron was sweeted up with sugar cookies.

Best Friends Forever!!

Family over on the 24th. Melanie and Daryle and their kids Tyler Lindsey and Natalie, Greg and Amelia and Dixie and Aunt Joan. Of course Chris and I too... French dip sandwiches were on the menu this night.

opening up some presents.

On the 23 The Newell family gathered at my Dad and moms house for a prime rib dinner and many good laughs over the game Catch phrase.

Ties dressed them well, look out Boys Elanie has hers tied the best.

Now the girls had special scarfs to wrap around and keep us in fashion.

Dad joins the group.