It was my parents 20th anniversary this October so they decided to take the whole family to Hawaii for a week together. The week was wonderful. Chris and I and baby made it up to see 3 sunrises this was the first.
The little house they rented. A view from the pool.

swimming with little P way too much fun. He got his first tooth the very first day. Must be all that fresh island air.

At night after dinner we would listen to music, laugh, play games, and catch up with each other.

Aunt Stephanie with Julian

Chris and I were spoiled by getting to stay in the guest cottage. A little house with a kitchen, bathroom and a bedroom. The best part was the pond in the front of it. Each night frogs would serenade us to sleep.

Lots of room to run. boys will be boys Justin running after Stephanie.

One day the guys went golfing.

lots of snorkeling was done too.

In the morning Julian had lots to say to his grandparents.

Watch out Michael Phelps

My brothers and sisters. Marriage brought us together but Love made us family.

As a surprise we had a private luau. Here the musicians and hula dancer sing to the parents.

After a down pour of rain we moved under the deck for a little hula dancing 101

Then we kicked it up a notch... Tribal drummers and a fire dancer.

The night was a thank you to our parents. It was exciting, special, and even a little emotional. I could not have asked for a better night.

Little P's toes in the warm Hawaiian ocean.

Coco Frio for 5 bucks. Someone call the police we were robbed..

Kauai has the most beautiful chickens. Here they finish off the coconut.

All in all it was a perfect week. I had about 200 pictures but these were a few of my favorite. We closed the week with watching the sun fall into the ocean. It may have been the last sunset in Hawaii that week but, we will be back to see another.