I heard Anthony Bourdain once talked about going bamboo. Going bamboo is really getting away from the "real world" and living a very chill, easy life. Going Bamboo is something many expats have done by turning in their leather loafers for a pair of flip flops. Giving up the "American Dream" laying low on the beaches of Thailand or surfing away hours in Bali. Living an island life.
I liked this phrase "going bamboo" I have adopted it myself as I think I could be among some of these chilled out islanders. I have watched many of suns fall into the ocean, I have fallen asleep to the sounds of the palm trees, and I have thought I could live without all this stuff. So from time to time I get away I leave it all behind.
Last week I went to Maui for 4 nights I took in the fresh air and relaxed. I feel recharged and peaceful. I may never go fully bamboo. I may NEVER give up my high heels for flip flops but, I can understand how some never go home and back to the real world.
Maui sounds magnificent! I would love to be "going bamboo" today. The real world is super hectic and stressful. I try to make my home a sanctuary from the outside world so that inside it's protective walls I can at least feel like I am going bamboo.
It is always nice to get away from reality for awhile. I guess it is good the money always runs out or I may stay on vacation forever!
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